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dc.contributor.advisorΚυριακάκη, Άνναel_GR
dc.contributor.authorΔράγιου, Αρετήel_GR
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation presents the development of tourism market through the various alternative forms of tourism and presents origins and main definitions that are followed by an analysis of the complexity of classifying the alternative and sustainable forms of tourism that integrate local populations and natural and human environments of host countries. The present research provides an approach of the new alternative forms of tourism development and seeks to describe the theoretical background of alternative tourism in which origins and main definitions are presented followed by an analysis of the complexity of classifying the alternative forms of tourism. This dissertation aims to investigate the existence and further development of alternative forms of tourism in the regions of Thessaloniki, Chalkidiki and Pieria. In order to achieve this aim, a qualitative research was conducted following a semi-structured design that is conductive to spontaneous and candid responses and seem the most suitable way of garnering descriptive analysis. The results of this research prove the existence of alternative tourism forms in the above-mentioned regions, as well as the needs of further strategic planning for establishing these new forms of tourism in the destinations. Each of the main chapters of the particular dissertation investigate different parts of the concept of tourism, focusing on the development of alternative forms of tourism and their potential or already existence in three tourist developed regions of Central Macedonia, namely the regions of Thessaloniki, Chalkidiki and Pieria.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνές*
dc.subjectεναλλακτικός τουρισμόςel_GR
dc.subjectβιώσιμη τουριστική ανάπτυξηel_GR
dc.subjectalternative tourismen_US
dc.subjectsustainable tourism developmenten_US
dc.subject.lcshTourist camps, hostels, etc.en_US
dc.titleAνάπτυξη ειδικών και εναλλακτικών μορφών τουρισμού στην Κεντρική Μακεδονία: η περίπτωση της Θεσσαλονίκης, της Πιερίας και της Χαλκιδικήςel_GR
dcterms.rightsΠλήρες Κείμενο - Ελεύθερη Δημοσίευσηel_GR
heal.academicPublisherΠανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου - Σχολή Επιστημών της Διοίκησης - Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεωνel_GR
dc.contributor.departmentΣχεδιασμός Διοίκηση και Πολιτική του Τουρισμού (Διατμηματικό)el_GR

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